Home 2.0

48" x 60"

Acrylic/Spray/Oil on Canvas


This is a piece I did with the help of my lovely wife Nicole as part of a tradition we've unintentionally started. We made it to be the centerpiece of our new home in California, right after moving here during the pandemic and becoming first-time home buyers. The piece is an eclectic reflection of the many things and layers that make us whole and happy together. Life is often chaotic but colorful and bright. We love how this piece emanates that energy throughout our house.

Nicole and I have done abstract, gestural artwork together before and had actually done a piece on this very canvas already when we first moved in together in Salt Lake City back in 2017. It was one of the very first things we did when we moved in because we were renting at the time and weren't allowed to paint the walls. So to stick to our tradition, when we moved to California and bought a house we decided to keep the painting but paint an entirely new painting over it in the spirit of starting new. So in a way, Home 1.0 is still there, just as several layers below Home 2.0. I think some of it is even poking through a bit as a nice reminder of our long journey together.